Thursday, 5 June 2008


So much for the photo every day. In my defence, I didn't mean to start the blog this early, so I never intended to start the photo per day. And I've been busy with exams and whatnot. Revision sucks.
Hopefully will start it next week, or at least at the weekend!

Now Playing: Boris - Soft Edge (from Heavy Rocks)

Monday, 2 June 2008


I figure this is my first blog, hopefully first of many. Mostly I'll be using this during the summer, trying to do a "photo-per-day" thing, either showing what I've done, where I've been, whatever. Hopefully it'll force me to get out and take more pictures, which is something I definately need to do.
Just playing around with blogger at the minute, setting stuff up. I hope it'll allow me to do what I want to do, then I don't have to mess around with setting up hosting etc.

Now Playing:  Pelican - Lost In The Headlights